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Websockets for the Lua language.

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This project provides Lua modules for Websocket Version 13 conformant clients and servers. Build Status

Clients are available in three different flavours:

Servers are available as two different flavours:

A webserver is NOT part of lua-websockets. If you are looking for a feature rich webserver framework, have a look at orbit or others. It is no problem to work with a "normal" webserver and lua-websockets side by side (two processes, different ports), since websockets are not subject of the 'Same origin policy'.


copas echo server

This implements a basic echo server via Websockets protocol. Once you are connected with the server, all messages you send will be returned ('echoed') by the server immediately.

local copas = require'copas'

-- create a copas webserver and start listening
local server = require'websocket'.server.copas.listen
  -- listen on port 8080
  port = 8080,
  -- the protocols field holds
  --   key: protocol name
  --   value: callback on new connection
  protocols = {
    -- this callback is called, whenever a new client connects.
    -- ws is a new websocket instance
    echo = function(ws)
      while true do
        local message = ws:receive()

-- use the copas loop

lua-ev echo server

This implements a basic echo server via Websockets protocol. Once you are connected with the server, all messages you send will be returned ('echoed') by the server immediately.

local ev = require'ev'

-- create a copas webserver and start listening
local server = require'websocket'.server.ev.listen
  -- listen on port 8080
  port = 8080,
  -- the protocols field holds
  --   key: protocol name
  --   value: callback on new connection
  protocols = {
    -- this callback is called, whenever a new client connects.
    -- ws is a new websocket instance
    echo = function(ws)

-- use the lua-ev loop

Running test-server examples

The folder test-server contains two re-implementations of the libwebsocket test-server.c example.

$ cd test-server
$ lua test-server-ev.lua
$ cd test-server
$ lua test-server-copas.lua

Connect to the from Javascript (e.g. chrome's debugging console) like this:

var echoWs = new WebSocket('ws://','echo');


The client and server modules depend on:


$ git clone git://
$ cd lua-websockets
$ luarocks make rockspecs/lua-websockets-scm-1.rockspec 


Running tests requires:

$ ./